We believe that youth are not the leaders of tomorrow; they are the leaders of today.
Based in California, Youth on Root’s mission is to center low-income youth and youth of color as change agents in their communities by providing tools for learning from each other and opportunities to use their unique power to promote environmental justice.
We envision a self-sustaining grassroots movement led by youth who have meaningful opportunities to enact their visions of environmental justice for their communities.

YoR was founded by Candice Youngblood to honor and extend the reach of existing California community-based organizations fighting for environmental justice. Our founder's goal was to create what she wished she had in retrospect: an accessible community in which underserved youth can conceptualize, contextualize, and combat environmental racism. In 2020, YoR formally began with fiscal sponsorship from Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE), a 501(c)(3) organization.
The Youth Advisory Board furthers YoR’s mission by guiding our programming, fundraising, and community outreach. Youth will gain opportunities to see how organizational decisions are made; take on meaningful leadership roles; and develop 21st century skills, such as initiative, strategic thinking, innovation, and decision-making. The Youth Advisory Board comprises youth leaders recommended by our partner organizations who reflect the rich diversity of California communities.
While our fiscal sponsor's board of directors is our legal board, the Advisory Council more closely governs YoR by carrying out most traditional board functions.

YoR was founded by Candice Youngblood to honor and extend the reach of existing California community-based organizations fighting for environmental justice. Our founder's goal was to create what she wished she had in retrospect: an accessible community in which underserved youth can conceptualize, contextualize, and combat environmental racism. Candice is an Associate Attorney at Earthjustice.